Measurement unit converter

Illuminance units

Bril conversion table

Bril to Apostilb 1 * 10-7
Bril to Blondel 1 * 10-7
Bril to Candela-meter 3.18 * 10-8
Bril to Candela-steradian per square meter 3.18 * 10-8
Bril to CentiCandela-meter 3.18 * 10-12
Bril to Cloudy noon in summer 2.65 * 10-12
Bril to Foot-candle 2.96 * 10-9
Bril to Foot-lambert 9.29 * 10-9
Bril to Gray day 2.12 * 10-11
Bril to Lumen per square centimeter 3.18 * 10-12
Bril to Lumen per square foot 2.96 * 10-9
Bril to Lumen per square inch 2.05 * 10-11
Bril to Lux (lumen per cubic meter) 3.18 * 10-8
Bril to MilliPhot 3.18 * 10-9
Bril to Movie theater screen 3.18 * 10-10
Bril to Night with full moon 1.59 * 10-7
Bril to Night without moon 3.18 * 10-5
Bril to Nit 3.18 * 10-8
Bril to Noon in summer with clear sky 3.18 * 10-13
Bril to Nox 3.18 * 10-5
Bril to Phot 3.18 * 10-12
Bril to Skot 10 * 10-5
Bril to Stilb 3.18 * 10-12
Bril to Watt per square centimeter at 555 nm 4.66 * 10-15